00 44 1534 737727

Criminal Litigation

We have extensive experience in advising on all aspects of criminal litigation, in every court in Jersey.

Jersey, like other common law jurisdictions, has an adversarial system of criminal prosecutions.  That means that the public prosecutor (with the assistance of the investigative agencies such as the police and customs) gathers and adduces evidence to support its case (that the defendant has committed a crime) and the defendant is entitled to present evidence tending to show that s/he did not commit a crime.   By and large the judge acts as an “umpire” to ensure the fairness of the proceedings.

Most criminal cases in Jersey start in the Magistrate’s Court, a court of summary jurisdiction.  The more serious cases are then transferred, or “committed”, to the Royal Court.

Usually, by the time a suspect is charged and becomes a defendant, most of the investigation has been carried out.  Typically, an important part of the investigation  is the interviewing of the suspect under caution.  The outcome of many prosecutions is effectively determined at that stage.

The suspect is entitled to legal advice at the interview, and it is right that s/he should be, because it is a crucial stage of the proceedings.

We can assist, as we have assisted many clients, from the interview stage to, potentially, the Court of Appeal.  We will analyse the evidence objectively and provide straighforward advice. We will constantly aim for, and work hard to achieve, the best possible outcome for our client, whether that be an acquittal or the most lenient sentence possible.